Outra Música

Outra Música is a new concept of music shop, created and managed by music players and teachers.
We know and understand the needs of musicians and teachers and also young students and their families, who are usually quite lost in the processo of finding a good instrument.
All our instruments are prepared by a profissional luthier and they are played and tested before arriving to the student. 
Althoug our specializations are string instruments and accessoires (bows, cases, strings, chin-rests, etc,), we also have a varied offer and catalogue of wind instruments, keyboards and percussion. The innovations and the relation quality/price is very important for us, and that’s why we constantly looking for new products: And test them!
We also work directly with music schools offering the best conditions (selection of instruments, prices and maintenance), and we dedicate a part of our sales to help social and community projects in Portugal.
We are settled in a old primary school in the center of Ericiera, at 30 minutes from Lisbon, where we have a big exposition hall so the  musicians can came to try and test new instruments. Although Ericiera is a incredible city to came to visit, we also deliver the instruments directly or by post to Portugal (also Azores and Madeira), Spain and all Europe.
We treat and understand our clients as colleagues, and that’s vital to our project! This is “Outra Música”.



00351 930551103
Nuno Mendes – Manager